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How to choose diapers and cleaning products?

The main function of cleaning is to remove anything that stimulates the baby's skin.
Cleaning supplies: clean diapers, degreased cotton balls, baby lotion or wet paper towels, diaper rash protection cream, warm water, dirty diaper garbage bags.
The choice of diapers: diapers usually contain two kinds of diapers and diapers, and these two diapers are divided into many types.
You can choose one or two uses.
Choose paper diapers, to see whether the label on the outer package is baby boy or baby girl, choose a suitable size for baby weight, it is convenient to change quickly, save washing and drying time.
Diapers must choose the best absorbent cotton fabric. There's also a reusable diaper pant with a waterproof backing that can be washed like a diaper.
Anyway, no matter what kind of diaper you choose, you can feel comfortable with your baby.